My Darkness: Strength and the 6 of Wands

My Darkness

I wear my Darkness
Like a warm cape.
A gently slumbering
Shadowy Wraith.

An unbridled, coiled
Spectre of strength.
Inspired by Fire,
Awakened by rage.

By Magick unleashed
My Shadow takes flight.
A ravenous beast
Ready to strike.

Razor-sharp claws:
One of her weapons.
Blood-drenched fangs:
And my Will is done.

I call to my Beast.
She returns into me.
From darkness to light
Then back once again.

I wrap my Darkness
Around like a cape.
A gently slumbering
Shadowy Wraith.

© MK (of House M -) 2022

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I Wish I Had Wings

I was outside early this morning with my cup of coffee, my bare feet caressing Mother Earth, listening to the relaxing sounds of solfeggio music. I’ve found that solfeggio frequencies pair nicely with early morning calm. (I save Lindemann and Mötley Crüe for late afternoon and workouts.) This spot, by My Tree, gets sun almost all day but I can tell Summer’s waning by the shafts of sunlight. They are growing longer. No matter. There is still plenty of sunlight streaming down.

I glanced up at the sky and saw him (maybe her) on the power line. A lone dove also enjoying the morning warmth.

I am living breathing freedom.
– Hiroko Sakai

I envied the bird its freedom to take off at a moment’s notice and go wherever it wants to. Unfettered and unhindered. I started wishing I had wings too. But not a bird with wings…

Cats are bats with wings

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.
– Richard Bach

What kills us is not being who we are. Our real self. Independent. Free. Spirit. Curious. Contradictory. Mystical. Wild. Soul.

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Where Snails Go to Die

I did not have the chance to commune with Mother Earth this morning, so it was late afternoon before I finally sat under my tree with bare feet on the ground listening to some Solfeggio frequencies I had downloaded. There was a gentle breeze and warm sunlight. Energy. I lifted my face to the sun, luxuriating in the feel of the breeze in my hair. Then I began to physically experience a subtle vibrational fuzziness around me.

A Western Swallowtail butterfly fluttered past.

Butterflies symbolize transformation, personal growth, spiritual rebirth, change, beauty, and freedom.

When I’m outside I am prone to noticing the tiny worlds around me. Under my tree is a graveyard where snails come to die.

The poetry of earth is never dead.
– John Keats

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