The Chariot, Trump of Cancer, and a New Moon (in Cancer)

n. the simultaneous occurrence of events (or things) which appear significantly related
but have no discernible causal connection

[Major Arcana Tarot cards represent the life lessons, karmic influences and the big archetypal themes that are influencing one’s life and soul’s journey to enlightenment.]

I drew The Chariot  this morning.
This card is the Trump of Cancer, ruled by the Moon.
There’s a New Moon tonight in the sign of Cancer.
(The Sun is also in Cancer.)
The closest major fixed star to this New Moon is Alhena.
(Alhena imparts artistic skills, especially with the written or spoken word.)*
In Tarot The Chariot  sits at midsummer.
Midsummer occurred last week.

I don’t believe in coincidences but I DO believe in synchronicities…

A New Moon is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts; and to break out of bad habits, behaviors, and outdated ways of thinking. In the context of my query* here’s the message.

New paths, projects, and a period of enhanced activity. Routines will be altered for the better. Maintaining order amidst chaos and a re-aligning of Will, emotions, thoughts, and the corporeal is in order.

“Pure intention and inspired motivation are key to The Chariot, which represents the feeling of triumph in achieving our ambition and the victory of our Will.”

The awakened spirit is fearless.
– Rebel Moon

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There’s a Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On…

We moved here in 1993 and have had one fence replacement during that time. Well, we’re getting another one this week! That means moving plants AND hardscape (in this case cinder blocks) around to accommodate both the construction AND the painting – which won’t happen for another two weeks because the wood will need time to cure. That meant having to rearrange things so that my sun-loving plants won’t suffer during that time.

Some background on the cinder blocks. 77 of them, to be precise.

During the time I was a veggie/herb Buyer for Summerwinds Nursery I wanted to encourage apartment-dwellers to try their hands at growing their own produce. At that time, many growers were producing varieties specifically targeted for small-spaces – even zucchini! I took a hands-on approach and began experimenting with peppers, beans, cherry tomatoes, an heirloom eggplant, and that zucchini – as well as a variety of herbs. Only had one problem: I had to raise everything up to fence level in order for them to receive the sun they needed to grow well.

That’s where the cinder blocks came in. I built “pedestals” for the pots to sit on. After two years of growing veggies (with limited success, I admit) I was left with all those cinder blocks.

For the last seven or so years I’ve had most of them up against the fence.

Well, I’ve been wanting to make some changes to the Concrete Jungle. In fact, they’ve been WAAAAY overdue.

This first installment will remain as you see it. Other sun-loving plants will replace the blue bacopa which will go back up on the fence line once I re-install the wrought-iron flower boxes.

Likewise, I’m happy with the “sitting nook” and its little half-wall.

Ramses investigating the area behind the half-wall.

As the day became warmer and I became drenched in sweat from moving around the cinder blocks, we decided to take a much-needed break before I began tackling the right-hand-side of the patio.

I had to play around with the set-up for my herbs with the result being a temporary “wall”. They should receive enough sun to keep them healthy the next few weeks. Fingers crossed.
NOTE: The first photo is a BEFORE shot.

This endeavor has given me TONS of ideas, too. I can’t wait for everything to be back to normal so I can “redecorate” that corner. Stay tuned for updates.

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