2018 Kitten Bowl

After his team, the Little Longtails, was defeated in the final game against the Pouncy Panthers, Diego drowned his sorrows in catnip…

Sunday, February 4, 2018
Noon & 3:00pm
The Hallmark Channel

Diego‘s in the Kitten Bowl again this year. If you recall, he participated in the 2017 Kitten Bowl as Long Napper for the North Shore Bengals. This year he’s Pouncerback for the Little Longtails:

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Daily Tarot::6 of Grails

The 6 of Cups was last drawn on 8.17.2017

Tarot of Vampyres

You may be feeling nostalgic and yearning for a time when you felt carefree and content. This can serve as a “release valve” during difficult periods. While it’s OK to reminisce, don’t let yourself get so mired in the past you don’t see the potential of the present. Instead, be assured that whatever trials await you, you will overcome them just as you’ve overcome others. This would also be an excellent time for work (or an activity) that requires some level of creativity. The 6 of Cups might also suggest rekindled friendships.

(The 6 of Cups is also known as the Lord of Pleasure and is aligned with the Sun in Scorpio. It stands for wish fulfillment, emotional and creative richness, passion and sensuality, and the Holy Grail.)

Image © Ian Daniels

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of Fungi, Moss & Lichen

n. (plural form of fungus) any of a group of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial
spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast,
mushrooms, and toadstools

n. a small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots, growing in low carpets or
rounded cushions in damp habitats and reproducing by means of spores
released from stalked capsules

n. a simple slow-growing plant that typically forms a low crustlike, leaflike, or
branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees

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Daily Tarot::The Fool

The Fool was last drawn on 11.14.2017

Tarot of Vampyres

Numbered 0, The Fool begins our journey through the Major Arcana.

This is one my favorite cards in the Tarot of Vampyres deck – I love all the movement! Here, The Fool reminds me of a vampiric Nureyev (who, by the way, was christened Lord of Dance). Even the masks below – which represent the four Tarot suits – are reminiscent of the traditional symbols of theater:  the comedy and tragedy masks; while the red roses recall the bouquets given to lead ballerinas. Rising from his grave with the grace of an dancer, He is ready to start his new adventure…as a Vampyre. This is THE card of new beginnings and experiences, personal growth, adventure, and creative potential. The Fool is nudging you down a new path or endeavor. Like this newly-born Vampyre, embrace it fearlessly and joyfully.

(Ruled by the element of Air, The Fool is also called the Spirit of Aether and is connected to the energy of Uranus. It represents freedom, inspiration, curiosity, and courage.)

Image © Ian Daniels

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