Eye Candy ~ 1

There’s only one magazine I splurge on: LivingEtc

(We get them here in the US a month late, but I don’t care.)


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The Silent Goodbye

Kitty Knoll Gang*

Mouse-over photos to view captions.


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* A special thank you to Christina (Fat Cat Rescue) for the love and care she provides to all the “kitty gangs” @ CGA (and Neal sends his purr-sonal ♥ for getting that nasty foxtail removed from his eye).


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Tonight’s Post is brought to you courtesy of the Internet.

As far as title sequences go, Black Sails is my #1 favorite
– not only visually, but for its theme song.*

After being introduced to the title sequence of Westworld (the series), I went digging around for more details after one image caught my attention,

and ran across an interesting site that showcases a variety of movies/series: Art of the Title. While there, I searched to see if they had anything on Black Sails. They did:

The work of Kris Kuksi was just one of the inspirations behind the (CGI) sculpture.

From Wikipedia:

"The opening title sequence was made by Imaginary Forces**
...with the backing sea shanty inspired theme composed by 
Battlestar Galactica and The Walking Dead composer Bear

It accurately features an instrument of the period in the form 
of the hurdy-gurdy."

Season Four of Black Sails debuts January 29, 2017 – without Vane (who was hanged in Season Three). Waxing nostalgic for Charles, I re-watched the first episode where Captain Flint (played by Toby Stephens) delivers two of the best quotes in the entire series:

"He means to make us monsters - 'cause that's the only way his 
god-fearing, tax-paying subjects can make sense of men who keep 
what is theirs and fear no one. When I said there's a War 
coming...Civilization is coming and it means to exterminate us."
- Flint (to Billy Bones)

"I'm not just gonna make you rich. I'm not just gonna make you
strong. I'm gonna make you Princes of the New World!"
- Flint (to the crew of The Walrus)


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*Game of Thrones’ intro appears to have top-billing to-date. It is visually-stunning and will be discussed in a future Post.

**Credited also for the opening sequence of Mad Men.

Blessed Be

Happy Thanksgiving

Jill and I had some pre-Thanksgiving sushi (!) earlier this week.

Sushi Confidential in Campbell has the best sushi


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