Scary Caturday! (10.31.2020)

By Prince Ramses XII

This special Halloweem editiom is all about black cats, because whem you thimk of Halloweem you picture ravem-furred beasties, right? Right?!? Well, I’m here to tell you there’s more to us tham ridimg om broomsticks or crossimg your path. There’s mo truth to the rumor that we cause bad luck AMD we take meow-velous selfies (Ramses and I are still working on this. He just cannot sit still long enough for me to capture a shot of us together. – M).

But first, let’s hear what SHE has to say about today’s Full “Blue” Moom.

The second Full moon in a calendar month is called a Blue Moon. The Full Moon on October 31, 2020 is also a Hunter’s Moon – which is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon – AND is conjunct Lilith. Damn.

Rare Halloween ‘Blue Moon’ is a spooky treat for us all
“The moon will be full this Halloween night across the entire United States. This is a truly special confluence of spookiness; a Halloween full moon visible for all time zones on Earth hasn’t happened since 1944… [and] It won’t happen again until 2039.”
Full Moon October 31, 2020 – Rebellion
“The October 31 blue moon is extremely close to Uranus [in Taurus], the planet of change and revolution. So unexpected change and uncertainty may cause anxiety, impatience, and an inability to relax…Civil unrest, violence, and rebellion are possible. […] The October 31 full moon in the Sign of Taurus aligns with the brightest star in the Constellation of Aries.”
The Spiritual Meaning of the Halloween Blue Full Moon 2020 is Surprising
“…Samhain was celebrated from Oct. 31 through Nov. 1 as a way of welcoming in the harvest, and the darker half of the year. The Celtics believe it’s the only day in the year where the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world can be dissolved…Full moons are powerful on their own, so when you integrate the rarity of it also being a blue moon, on the eeriest night of the year, it means something.”

Astrologically, Full Moons sit directly opposite the Sun. Today’s Full Moon is in Taurus (the Earth) while the Sun resides in Scorpio (the Underworld). As above, so below. The lunar properties of the moon will shine a light on that which is hidden. It will bring the mysterious out into the open. This is a moon of change and transformation.

Indeed. There is electricity in the air and you can feel the power of its magickal energies. Spooky. The perfect time to cast a spell or two.

Now, let’s get on with this post! (Take it away, Ramses!)

A black cat crossing your path
signifies that the animal is going somewhere.

– Groucho Marx

Black cats were considered good luck on ships – this despite the fact that ALL cats are great hunters and kept rodents at bay during long voyages. The wives of English mariners kept black cats as TALISMANS to ensure their husbands’ safe return. In Britain, Japan, and Ireland having a black cat cross your path is a sign of GOOD luck. Single women in Japan who own black cats are said to attract more suitors; and in parts of the U.K., a black cat is the ideal wedding gift.

Black Cats Matter.
Because there are more “cats of color” than any other
– with one all-black purebred breed: the Bombay.

Hey, this cat looks just like me! – Ramses

Because of superstitious ignorance, black cats are the least-adoptable among their shelter-mates; and because they are the target of cruel and sometimes fatal attacks during Halloween, shelters will no longer adopt them out during the month of October.

Why you should adopt a Black Cat.

  • We tend to be healthier than cats of other colors. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health discovered that the genetic mutations that cause cats to have black coats may offer them some protection from diseases.
  • If you wear a lot of black (Like SHE does.) you don’t have to worry about cat hair on your clothes.
  • Like the proverbial little black dress, we go with EVERYTHING – and holding us will make you look slimmer.
  • We are RARE (the black color of our coats is associated with the X chromosome, which often skips a generation).
  • Having a black cat is like living with a miniature-size panther.

Black cats were created to give everyone
the opportunity to be owned by a mini-panther.

– Unknown

Famous Black Cats

For ways on how you (and your kitty) can fully celebrate Samhain,
check out “The Magic of Cats“.

Happy Halloweem

Oh no! Here comes Ramses-O!
Go, Go, Mouse-zilla!!!!

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Halloween 2020 ~ Part 2

As I said, my love for the horror genre continues to this day. I still collect horror-themed items – especially relating to vampires – but have become more selective during my adult life. I thought it might be fun to dig up some memorabilia I had stashed away.

In Part 1, I mentioned having my picture in one issue of Famous Monsters of Filmland. When I was around 12 or 13 I got to talk to the editor, Forrest J. Ackerman. (My Dad set-up the phone call.) What a treat that was! I found correspondence from “Forry” in my stash:

Over the last 20+ years I have stockpiled a few dolls that will be housed in a fancy display case (whenever I get around to buying one).

Given I’m particularly fond of vampires, it will come as no surprise that I was a huge fan of Kindred: The Embraced when it aired in 1996. I have it on VHS, but the complete series has finally been released as a set of DVD’s.

Speaking of DVD’s, I’ve got a modest collection of horror-related flicks.

In Part 3, I’ll take you on a tour of my living space(s)
where my most cherished items are displayed year-round.

(Black cats, skulls, gargoyles, and vampires abound…)

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Halloween 2020 ~ Part 1

The last “Coundown to Halloween” I published was back in 2018. That series was a collaborative effort between me and my beloved Diego and I dedicate this Countdown to him.

This year I figured it was time to do another, albeit in a different light:

I’ve been watching the 1996 series 100 Years of Horror which is hosted by the ever-debonair Christopher Lee and it has me waxing nostalgic – which is probably why I pulled these cards right before I started working on this Post.


(This Tarot Deck screams Halloween no matter what cards you draw.)

Major Arcana (Trump cards) represent life lessons, karmic influences, and archetypal energies that are affecting you right now; and set the scene in a spread – with the other cards relating back to that core Major Arcana meaning.

The Hermit is the Zodiac Trump of Virgo, is ruled by Mercury, and represents the archetypal wise man/woman. Keywords:  Self-discipline, “lone wolf”, individualism, silence. When this card appears the Universe is urging us to withdraw or retreat for a while. Only through solitude and introspection we will begin to hear our inner voice, with the ultimate goal being spiritual enlightenment – attaining a state of bliss. Symbolically in Jungian terms, The Hermit can represent the process of integrating our Shadow self to become a fully-assimilated individual.

lone wolf
n. a very independent or solitary person
the action or state of attaining or having attained spiritual knowledge or insight

Aligned with the Sun (ego) in Scorpio (rebirth/renewal) and ruled by the element of Water (emotions), the 6 of Grails (Cups) represents nostalgia, bliss, wish fulfillment, balance and harmony, creativity, and blessings. Repressed or forgotten memories may surface (!!!).

Additionally, the card cautions us not to live in the past, but rather use those memories to create the future; to see things in a new light and approach life with renewed enthusiasm and enjoyment.

‘Kayso, in keeping with the spirit of the cards let’s EMBRACE our Shadow selves as we take a little trip down memory lane…but before we begin let me fortify myself with some DARK red liquid.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
– Jimmy Johnson

For me, it all began during the 1960’s. Saturday afternoon monster movies (Accompanied by bowls of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup. These two would remain inextricably linked.) I had begun collecting Famous Monsters of Filmland magazines and had pictures of horror films plastered all over my bedroom (Which my Mom refused to enter at that point. Guess she was “squeamish”.), followed by Creepy and Eerie.

My Dad was not so squeamish and helped me assemble and paint Monster Model kits by Aurora. I had Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

I was around 10 at the time and although I loved playing dress-up, it was safe to say I was no ordinary little girl. Only the neighborhood boys were interested in “monsters” and horror films so I happily traded Monster bubble gum cards with them. One Christmas I remember getting paint-by-number kits featuring Universal monsters.

1964 ushered in two horror-themed sitcoms:  The Addams Family and The Munsters. Of the two, I preferred The Addams Family and Morticia became one of my Archetypes early on.

When I started Jr. High, I began phasing out of my monster-craze-faze. I stopped collecting magazines and bubble gum cards – and I could kick myself in the ass for giving them away because they are now highly valued. (At some point I had managed to get my hands on the first Famous Monsters which was printed in 1958.) I even had my picture included in the Fang Mail section of an issue. (You’d have thought I would’ve had the prescience to at least keep THAT one.) Gone too were the models which my Dad and I had so painstakingly put together.

However, my love for the horror genre remained intact and has stayed with me ever since.

Halloween 2020 ~ Part 2

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Apparently it’s the Moon in Sagittarius

I went to bed last night feeling out of sorts and woke up in the same vein but I couldn’t put my finger on what was causing this melancholia. So I grabbed my trusty Tarot deck and asked:  “What’s going on with me?” This is the card I pulled:

Normally I wouldn’t do a Post on this, but after checking what was going on today – astrologically-speaking – I couldn’t resist. You see the Moon has been in Sagittarius since yesterday and will continue to transit Sag all day today. “So what?”, you ask. Well, let me tell you so what. The card I pulled, the 9 of Scepters (Wands), is ruled by the Moon in Sagittarius. Holy crap. Synchronicities like this cannot be ignored…

Note: I usually check my horoscope on a daily basis but had forgotten do so yesterday, so I did not know that the Moon was in Sagittarius until AFTER the reading.

The 9 of Scepters (Wands) is ruled by the Moon in Sagittarius and is also known as the “Lord of Great Strength”. Indeed. The 9 of Wands in the Rider-Waite deck shows a wounded and battle-worn man clutching one wand while he looks at eight more behind him. Although exhausted, he is ready to face additional challenges (which may represent the 8 wands) with courage and inner strength. This combatant has a look of wary determination on his face.

Keywords:  Resilience, courage under fire, stamina, force of Will, adaptability, perseverance, inner strength, boundaries.
The Moon symbolizes dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. It invokes strong emotions. Being a mutable sign, Sagittarius is optimistic, philosophical, adventurous, and restless.

Just when you thought you had nothing left to give,
the 9 of Wands tells you to be strong and prepared.
Defence, in order to be effective, must be mobile.

– Aleister Crowley (Book of Thoth)

The strength inherent in the 9 of Wands is one of unshakable resolve and the ability to be flexible and adapt to any situation. Being in constant motion (restlessness) makes one formidable when defending against attacks – or obstacles. If it seems like the battle has been going on FOREVER, the message carried here is one of encouragement. No matter the setbacks, it’s imperative you keep pushing forward. If necessary, take things a step at a time but never surrender. Stand your ground.

The 9 of Wands may also speak of old wounds which are still “attacking” you. If so, treat them as you would any enemy:  Face them down, then destroy them.

And you never can tell just how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

– John Greenleaf Whittier (Don’t Quit)

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Bedroom Reboot ~ Part 1

As you can see from this 2017 Post, I’ve pretty much stayed with the same layout. (So glad that lovely gray wall was left untouched during my absence!)

I really needed drawer space and wanted something that would double as a bedside table AND fill-up that space between the bed and the closet. The chests I looked at were either too high or much too large. This chest, which is designed for a child’s room, was not only perfect in size and color but was on sale at Overstock. After applying a 15% coupon (Thank you, USPS.) and getting FREE delivery I paid just under $300 for a very well-made piece. It arrived a few days later in a box that was too heavy to get up the stairs so I had to unpack each piece and carry them up one-by-one. Easy to assemble, it only took me a couple of hours. (Ramses helped.)

Perfect! Well, almost. I felt it needed a bit of “bling” which I found at my neighborhood Big Lots. This set of Badgley Mischka crystal drawer knobs was on clearance at $9.00 for a set of four. I grabbed two sets.

I love my lamp and was heartbroken when Ramses broke the original shade. (You can see it sitting sans-shade on my new chest, above.) Lampshades come with three types of fitters:  Spider (the most common), clip-on, and uno. I needed a medium-sized shade with an uno fitting. Easier said than done… I bought the lamp many years ago at Target so I took a chance and went there first. As luck would have it they had discontinued carrying the medium size. I tried the large but it looked absolutely ridiculous on the base. I had no luck online either and had just about given up when serendipity happened as a result of a spur-of-the-moment trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond. (I’m not always good with patience, but sometimes you just gotta have it.) I like it better than the original one.

I didn’t want to drive to hell and back looking for a comforter with a white-and-black pattern. I knew I wouldn’t find what I wanted anywhere around here. (Back in the 80’s I wouldn’t have had this sort of problem.) Amazon to the rescue with the perfect bed-in-a-bag ensemble. But I needed more than one set of sheets. So back to Big Lots where I not only found a reasonably-priced set of solid gray sheets BUT I also found an even cooler set of black-and-white animal print sheets for $8. (I’m all for buying on-line when you have no other alternative, but this is a perfect example of why it pays to browse brick-and-mortar stores. Neither the crystal drawer knobs nor this sheet set were listed anywhere on Big Lots’ website.)

What do you think? So far so good?

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