Tradional Thanksgiving dishes around the country

A discussion ensued today regarding what Americans consider “must haves” for their Thanksgiving table, so I did some research and found regional-based recipes that are obvious – and some that suprised me:

  1. Where would find fried turkey, turkey tamales, and cornbread dressing?
  2. What about creamed onions (A staple when I was growing-up.), oyster stuffing, and Indian pudding?
  3. Which state relishes pickeled cabbage, corn cakes, and corn on the cob for Thanksgiving?
  4. Which nationality serves pasta, pickled vegetables, and antipasto at Thanksgiving?
  5. Where did this Thanksgiving staple originate:  cranberry relish/sauce?
  6. Which region “must have” this on their Thanksgiving table:  Frog eye salad. (They’re also partial to Jell-O salad)
  7. The Green bean casserole originated in which region of the U.S.? (They also replace the traditional pumpkin pie with cherry pie.)
  8. Wild rice casserole can be served on the side or as stuffing. Which state(s) is this usually found?
  9. This one should be a no-brainer:  Which region prides itself on serving Sweet Potato Pie? (Hint:  General portions of collard greens are also served.)
  10. In what state do you find an abundance of peaches (and peach pie) – in addition to their Thanksgiving favorite, Pecan pie?
  11. Key Lime pie is not only a Thanksgiving tradition in this state, but it’s also the state food!
  12. Where did mushroom gravy originate?
  13. Another no-brainer:  Which state incorporates sourdough bread in their stuffing?
  14. Last but not least, where would you find Okinawan sweet potatoes (they’re purple!) served?

Happy Thanksgiving!!

What Thanksgiving dinner looks like in 16 regions across the country
Bonus:  10 dishes you should never serve on Thanksgiving

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The Magician, The Hierophant, and the Three of Cups

Before I begin I’d like to talk about spreads. The type of Tarot spread you use can be dependent upon what you’re trying to accomplish. (For example, if the Querent is seeking an answer to a specific question you might want use the Yes-or-No Tarot spread. If the Querent wants an in-depth look at their past-present-future you would probably employ the Celtic Cross – and so on.) Some of the more popular ones include:  The Celtic Cross, Astrological, Cross and Triangle, Horshoe, Five Card, Yes-or-No, and the Basic Three Card spreads.

The key to any Tarot reading is establishing INTENT. While shuffling/cutting the deck (I suggest three times, at a minimum) – note that there is no wrong way to do this – the Querent should focus their energy on whatever is being asked of the cards. This creates a bond linking the Querent to the Tarot, thus opening a line of communication between them. This link is why I prefer the Querent to shuffle/cut instead of doing it for them.

I also feel it’s important to instruct the Tarot on how we intend to interpet any cards that are upside-down (reversed). Should they be read as upright? Should they be read as upright with greater emphasis given? Or shall we just let the cards fall as they may (pun intended) and read them as reversed? The Querent should establish these guidelines while they are shuffling/cutting.

As a Tarot Reader you can choose how to read a spread any way you want regardless of its original purpose. For example, the Basic Three Card Spread is normally used to show the Querent’s immediate past, the present, and the near future; however, when doing a reading for myself (being both Querent and Reader) I sometimes ask the Tarot to “Tell me a story” instead.

I love this “storyline” narrative, as I’m one of those people who prefers to understand the mechanics behind my emotions/feelings. This narrative provides me with the information I’m looking for. In addition, I’m able to interpret messages visually instead of using the cards’ intended meaning(s). (Always trust your first impression. Your instincts are never wrong.) For example, the Three of Grails (Cups) is called the Lord of Abundance, but in the spread below it represents something completely different to me – as you’ll see…

We’ll get to that Three of Grails in a minute, but first let’s talk about the initial card I drew:  The Magician. It is the planetary Trump of Mercury so it has ties to Gemini. As it’s numbered 1 in the Tarot, some also associate it with the astrological sign of Aries. Looking at the card I see a great deal of Aries’ fiery energy. Perhaps that is why I felt its hot intensity pulsating when my hand initially came into contact with it. You can see that heat swirling around the magician; blowing his hair and cloak about and fanning the flames around the cross he holds. The Magician is the alchemist turning lead to gold (or in this case, blood). It is the card of will-power, drive, and self-realization.

n. fulfillment of one’s own potential

In the middle we have another Trump card:  The Hierophant. The Hierophant is our spiritual guide and advisor. Where the previous card spoke of fulfilling one’s potential, this one tells us to trust our instincts when delving into whatever issue is at hand. The Magician and The Hierophant together, side-by-side, shows there’s some potent mojo at work here!

Which now brings us to the Three of Grails (Cups). You can see I’ve deliberately “torn it away” from the other two cards. This card represents a family dynamic of three individuals. One in which I do not belong and thus am separate from. To be perfectly honest, this dynamic is not something I wish to be a part of and can be inconvenient at times.

My take away from this reading is to remain quiet and independent; and do not depend upon, be influenced by, or be concerned with this trio of individuals. Do not allow them to ruffle your feathers, disturb your focus, or otherwise color your emotions. Distance yourself from them emotionally and spiritually. Safety and security lies in your strength of conviction. Become your own “family dynamic” of one.

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Adopt A Turkey This Thanksgiving!

“Since 1986, Farm Sanctuary’s annual Adopt a Turkey Project has reached millions of people with a message of compassion for these wonderful birds. Do your part and sponsor one of our rescued turkeys!”

I’ve been a vegetarian for many moons, and at Thanksgiving I enjoy Tofurkey roast with all the fixings. (Believe me when I tell you this is REALLY good and makes yummy after-Thanksgiving sandwiches. “Faux meat” has come a long way over the years…)

Vegetarian or not, you can STILL support Farm Sanctuary‘s wonderful work rescuing farm animals by adopting one of their turkeys.

With names like Anna (“The Goofball”), Elsa (“The Wallflower”), Marnie (“The Alpha”), Hank Williams (“The Legend”), and Pamela (“The Lover”) how could you not fall in love with one of these sweeties.

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I ❤ Gronk

This week two videos surfaced starring former tight end for the NFL Patriots, Rob Gronkowski (“Gronk”)

Gronk joins the Lakers Girls during halftime last Tuesday (Lakers vs. Thunder).

He also released a video via Instagram promoting Gronk Beach – a music festival (hosted by Gronk) that will take place in Miami during the 2020 Super Bowl. This is an awesome vid as he plays three versions of himself, two of which portray the Devil-Angel tug-of-war with his conscience (to rejoin the NFL or to party it up). (PARTY!)

(What personality! This guy’s adorable…)

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