The Silent Goodbye

Kitty Knoll Gang*

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* A special thank you to Christina (Fat Cat Rescue) for the love and care she provides to all the “kitty gangs” @ CGA (and Neal sends his purr-sonal ♥ for getting that nasty foxtail removed from his eye).


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I am the Cat Whisperer

I started a new job a few months ago – working in the HR Department at California’s Great America (amusement park). We have several colonies of feral cats living there (all spayed/neutered). Several times a week, a very nice lady comes by with fresh water and food – although their job is to keep the rodent population down.

There’s a beautiful grassy knoll near my building with lovely trees and a dried-up creek bed. “Kitty Knoll” is home to a handful of feral cats nice enough to keep me company during lunch & break times.

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