REPOST: Shattered Glass and Broken Bones*

Working out to “Chemical” this afternoon I was reminded of how much CRASHDÏET helped me deal with my “stay” in Northern California. On my Power Walks, I would break into a run every time it played, full of so many endorphins I’d be laughing at the end of the sprint. I still love that song.

CRASHDÏET was formed in 2000 and produced two albums:  Rest in Sleaze (2005, with singer Dave Lepard) and The Unattractive Revolution (2007, with H. Oliver Twisted on vocals) prior to releasing Generation Wild in 2010 which featured (yet another) singer, Simon Cruz.

I was late in discovering this Swedish glam metal band and have since become totally enamored with them.

Generation Wild is a nod to all the bands I loved (and still love) from the 80’s:  Mötley Crüe, Hanoi Rocks, Dokken, Ratt, Cinderella, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Europe, and Skid Row. Since downloading on Monday I’ve been listening to it non-stop on my Power Walks and cannot say enough great things about it.

Showing great range and versatility, CRASHDÏET couldn’t have picked a better vocalist than Simon Cruz. The whole band does an incredible job of taking us back to that Decade of Decadence. The 80’s.

I regard CRASHDÏET as an original band with their hearts and souls firmly entrenched in LA-based Hair Metal sound. Kudos to them! Any references to other bands are made with regard to the “flavor” of the songs. The music and vocals truly belong to CRASHDÏET. With that said, here’s my take on Generation Wild:

  1. 442
    A short instrumental. Sets the tone for the whole shebang.
  2. Armageddon
    Driving beat with a large sound reminiscent of Europe.
  3. So Alive
    A little faster than the previous song, it’s great for Power-Walking. The rhythm and guitars remind me a bit of Ratt.
  4. Generation Wild
    This is the song/video that served as my introduction to CRASHDÏET.
  5. Rebel
    Perfect for driving at breakneck speed (or running). Many of the songs on the album show a Skid Row influence – like Rebel. (I read somewhere that the band absolutely loves Skid Row, so this comes as no surprise!) A touch of Hanoi Rocks style of punk rock, as well.
  6. Save Her
    Evokes I Remember You by Skid Row. Cruz’s vocals are emotionally powerful. This one grew on me.
  7. Down With the Dust
    Another fast, hard-driving song. Beautiful dueling guitars.
  8. Native Nature
    Aaah, this one’s definitely got Skid Row all over it – with a bit of Mötley Crüe thrown in for good measure. Transitioning from low growl to clear highs and back again is a walk in the park for Cruz.
  9. Chemical
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! It’s my new favorite song EVER. A little pop-metal à la Pretty Boy Floyd – but I dare you to resist it. It’s got hooks sharper than a Saracen blade. (The last incline I take is very long and very steep and I used to just plow my way up. Now I tune into Chemical and when that chorus kicks in sprint the rest of the way!)
  10. All I need is another hit, yeah
    One last fix to keep the blues at bay
    All I need is another kick just
    One last kiss of death then I’ll be on my way

  11. Bound to Fall
    This one reminded me of Dokken (It’s Not Love). Nice bass. Don’t miss the acoustic bit at the end of this video:
  12. Beautiful Pain
    I’ll admit I’m not especially fond of ballads, but here you go. Snaps for the pretty guitar work.

CRASHDÏET has that fucking cooler-than-shit sleaze-metal look, too! Straight out of L.A.
(If only it wasn’t so COLD in Sweden…)

* From their single Generation Wild

ℳ –
