What’s Rockin’ My World (5.1.2024)

What was trending at Chez Rock Vixen
during the month of April, 2024

Diego and I shared a birthday and I lit a white candle that day in his memory, letting it burn until I closed up shop and went downstairs for the evening. I still miss you, my Panther Boy.

I pulled a Magickal card for the coming year. (It’s now wallpapering my laptop screen.), and the following week we embarked on another wine-tasting trip: “Under the Tuscan Sun” (Total Wine).

I have fully embraced seeds. Currently I have more sprouts growing on the windowsill – right next to some lettuce seedlings! Target is selling organic mushroom kits. Of course, I couldn’t resist… I’ve now got mushrooms growing! The kit is more expensive than purchasing the mushrooms at the Farmers Market, but it’s kinda fun. So, more for the experience than the end result. However, I’m very behind in repotting houseplants, especially the Carnies, so I’m making a concerted effort to push forward on those projects. The Concrete Jungle is shaping up but there’s always more to do.

There is always something to do.
A gardener should have nine times as many lives as a cat.

– Vita Sackwille

My Spin Workouts are rockin’ to the point that I now feel comfortable choreographing my own – done to Rock/Mëtal, of course!

Earth Day 2024: Unveiling the Ecological Toll of War and Genocide
“As Earth Day approaches, prepare for the annual spectacle (Bread & Circuses) of U.S. lawmakers donning their environmentalist hats, waxing poetic about their love for the planet while disregarding the devastation their actions wreak. The harsh reality is that alongside their hollow pledges lies a trail of destruction fueled by military aggression and imperial ambitions, all under the guise of national security.”
Let us take a moment to reflect and contemplate on our thoughts and actions. What lies are we conveniently buying into? I for one reject the empty rhetoric of “environmentalism”.

Oh, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse happened on the 8th and (surprise, surprise) the Earth’s still in one piece. (Though the eclipse was unlucky for some, it was very lucky for me.)

A thing may vanish into the ether when no longer needed,
such as crystals or a protection spell scribbled on a scrap of paper…

The Barbarians (1987)
Dracula (1979)
The Mummy (1932) ~ All good mummies need a cat sidekick!
The Phantom of the Opera (1925) ~ Black kitty cameo | Unmasking the Death’s Head Reveal
Wolfen (1981) ~ Ginger cat alert
Near Dark (1987)
Byzantium (2012)
The Conversation (1974)
The Lords of Flatbush (1974)
The Invisible Woman (1940) ~ White cat, Black cat cameos
Howl (2015)
The Deadly Mantis (1957)
Bats (1999)
Tim Allen Rewires America (1991)
More Than Honey (2012)
Inside the Mind of a Cat (2022) ~ Netflix
Tango & Cash (1989)

Television/Streaming etc.
Hair Nation Deep Cuts (Sirius)
Cardio Playlist (YouTube)
The Jamie Oliver Channel (Roku)
Young Sheldon Seasons 6-7 (Netflix & CBS)
Two and a Half Men Seasons 1-8 (Peacock)
Cats 101 (Roku)
My Cat From Hell (Roku)
obé Fitness Spin Workouts (Roku)  ~ Cardio workouts that really challenge me.
Laramie (Roku)


Rock Vixen
An online collection (hosted on our local library’s website) of some of my favorite books. It’s PUBLIC and available to everyone. (No membership or sign-in required. Ever.)

Shadow of the Vampuss (Karen Mahoney & Alex Ukolov)
Wild Creations (Hilton Carter)

“We have a cat? Wait, we do have a cat. I’ve seen her. Her name is…Player.”
I’m Not Really Here (Tim Allen)

Masters of Deception  (Zander C. Fuerza)
Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity
(Prof. Claudia von Werlhof)


♫♪ Keep it purrin’ love! Keep it purrin’ love!
Don’t stop it now, don’t stop it, no, don’t stop it now, don’t stop it!

Ramses’ Caturday Posts

What’s Rockin’ the Rest of the World

I have this same condition
Exercise Cuts Heart Disease Risk by 23%   Related: My Cardio Playlist
Spring Traditions and Celebrations: The Past, The Present and the Future of Farming.
What Happened to Romantic Love?
A former drinking water storage reservoir transformed into a sunken garden.
Kombucha can mimic the effects of fasting in the body.
New Solar-Powered Desalinator keeps producing clean water without needing sunshine
EPA (finally) finalizes limits on PFAS in drinking water
3D anamorphic art
Exhibit: Guantánamo: Art in Captivity
From Namibia to Gaza – with Love
Shakira slams Barbie movie 👍, says it is ’emasculating’.
Real women taking a stand
Man has heart-warming friendship with young fox he cured of illness
A San Diego wildlife sanctuary is proud to report that two of the 69 tigers rescued from the infamous collection of the ‘Tiger King’ are thriving at their Alpine, CA location.

Nature IS amazing, adaptable, and badass:

Did you know?

Coming back from the brink!

  1. Sophora toromiro
  2. Straw-headed bulbul
  3. Javan Tiger, formerly thought to be extinct.
    Related: Cats are like Puzzle Boxes::Tiger
  4. Mexican Wolf
  5. Australasian bittern

Your Tarot card for May

Two Major Arcana cards in a row: The Chariot last month
and now The Tower turns up for May.

Major Arcana Tarot cards represent karmic influences and big archetypal themes. Unlike those of the Minor Arcana, these 22 cards carry lessons that are unavoidable. In other words, you have no choice in the matter and must face whatever will be thrown at you.

The Tower is the Planetary Trump of Mars (ruled by Aries) and symbolizes sudden upheavals and dramatic change that forces us to re-evaluate EVERYTHING. This card is also called the “Tower of Truth and Liberation”. The destruction of the old and obsolete is necessary in order to make room for something better, and The Tower does this by giving us a swift kick in the ass – or by knocking us upside the head with a brick. Illusions are being stripped away. People are going to reveal their true selves.

Trying to hold too tightly to the status quo can prove disastrous. Instead, roll with the changes…

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Take Me Back::1990 ~ Part 2

The first rock and roll venue I started going to on a regular basis was Puma’s in downtown Campbell. (I formed friendships with people I met there that continue to this day.) Vicious Rumors is a Bay Area-based metal band that often played at Puma’s and that’s where I first fell in love with them.

Featuring singer Carl Albert, who tragically died in a car accident on April 22, 1995.

Like I said in Part 1, we became fans of many Bay Area bands such as Mad Anthony

– whose singer, Rick Burnell, went on to join The Pound,

(Actually, “Get the Fuck in my Car”)

Kidd Blue, Rattle Shake, NVS, Gypsy Lane, Worlds Apart, Mister Hyde, Moxy Lama, and Murder Bay (formerly Sticky Fingers).

All images remain the property of their original owners. All rights reserved.

Vicious Rumors
Party, Heaven, Hell, Whatever! MAD ANTHONY – Bay Area’s biggest party band
Mad Anthony on FB
Kidd Blue on FB
Mister Hyde on FB
Eonian Records to Release Bay Area Rockers MURDER BAY and RATTLESHAKE
Listen to Murder Bay on Apple Music

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Happy Caturday! (4.27.2024)

By Prince Ramses XII

Matiomal Hairball Awaremess Day (April 26) came amd wemt. Although I dom’t have this problem MORMALLY (I have a sleek, short-haired coat) I’ve recemtly hacked up some stuff om occasiom. SHE says this is due to my groomimg The Kid. (He has lomg, silky fur.) Well, someome’s got to do it!

Movimg om, you’ll wamt to mark these very importamt dates om your calemdar:

A new declaration in Mexico gives 19 cats
roaming the presidential palace food and care fur-ever

They prowl through palace gardens stalking pigeons and make cameos on televised press briefings. Some greet tourists at the doors, while others take a sneaky lick of ice cream from staff.

Nineteen feral cats have free rein of Mexico’s National Palace, long roaming the lush gardens and historic colonial halls of the most iconic buildings in the country.

“They have access to every part of the palace, so they walk in on meetings, interviews and wander onto camera,” said Jesús Arias, the palace veterinarian, as a handful of feline friends brush against his ankles.

Now, the palace cats have made hiss-tory after the government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared them to be “living fixed assets,” the first animals in Mexico to receive the title.

The investment term “fixed assets” usually applies to buildings and furniture, but by applying it to cats, López Obrador’s government has obligated the country’s Treasury to give them food and care for them for the rest of their lives, even after the leader leaves office in October.

“The cats are now a symbol of the National Palace. Just as we understand this world, I wouldn’t understand the National Palace without the presence of these cats,” said Adriana Castillo Román, general director of the National Palace and Cultural Heritage Conservancy. “We have to make sure the cats are taken care of.”

López Obrador is accompanied by Bowie, Bellof, Nube, Coco, Yema, Ollin, Balam and more, who seem to have found a purr-fect home in the building. López Obrador himself has said the cats “dominate” the palace and often walk in front of him during official ceremonies.

Some are named after artists, like an orange tabby “Bowie” named after the rockstar David Bowie, who visited the palace 1997 to see the famous mural by Mexican painter Diego Rivera. Others are named after native rocks or words in the region’s ancient Aztec language, like Ollin, which means “movement.”

One cat named Zeus, who has since passed away, even became famous in July when he meandered into the president’s morning press briefing. The gray cat stood in front of cameras and wandered among reporters until palace staff had to carry him off.

Palace staff worked with vets from the National Autonomous University of Mexico to vaccinate, sterilize and chip the cats, and build them little cat homes and feeding stations around the garden. They also hired Arias to take care of them on a permanent basis and give them a good life.

Neither Bowie, Coco or Ollin commented when asked how they feel about being “living fixed assets.” Coco swished his tail, while Ollin stretched out below a palace pillar and fell asleep.

“Meow,” responded Nube, a gray cat named after the Spanish word for “cloud” who enjoys greeting visitors at the door of the palace.

Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved.

Mow THIS is more like it – amd OwlKitty’s waaaaay better lookimg tham Rottem Robbie!

The term “agouti” refers to hair that has alternating bands of light and dark color – this produces a speckled or “salt and pepper” appearance. Kittens that inherit a dominant agouti gene (A) will display a visible striped pattern while kittens that inherit the recessive gene (a) will not. Solid-colored cats can still display subtle tabby patterns – often called “ghost striping” – if they inherit two copies of the recessive gene (aa).

Cats conserve effort when walking through snow by placing their hind feet directly in the prints of their forefeet.

In addition to catnip, valerian, Tatarian honeysuckle, and silver vine are found to be irresistible and safe for felines.

Music designed especially for cats:
Through a Cat’s Ear
Music for Cats

How Cats Protect You From Ghosts And Negative Spirits

While cats are often seen as merely playful pets, the truth is these furry friends provide a hidden layer of protection many owners may not realize. For centuries, cultures around the world have recognized cats not only for their companionship but also for their unique abilities to guard against sinister spiritual forces. Whether sensing entities beyond our senses or energetically cleansing unwanted energies, cats demonstrate a profound connection to the paranormal realms.

As creatures attuned to mystic energies, cats willingly take on the role of guardian against malicious ghosts and spirits that threaten our homes. Through their extrasensory gifts like night vision and an acute sixth sense, cats diligently patrol the borders between worlds, alerting to even the subtlest paranormal intrusions. While we sleep soundly unaware, our brave feline protectors stand guard through the night, shielding us with their paranormal prowess.

Cats have long held sacred roles as guides between realms of existence. In ancient Egypt, felines like Bastet were revered as goddesses possessing powers over life, death, and rebirth. Cats were mummified and buried with Pharaohs to escort souls into the afterlife. In Europe, certain cats demonstrated “second sight” abilities to detect spirits and served as witch familiars, mystical partners enhancing their human’s gifts. Even today, some remote cultures consider cats as having a dreamtime role of transporting souls across dimensions invisible to normal eyes. Cats’ profound connection to spirit realms is rooted deep in our shared history.

Observant owners can spot signs their cat perceives a paranormal presence. Cats prone to napping may suddenly stand watch over empty corners, fur on end, ears alert for sounds beyond our range. A friendly feline may hiss and swat at thin air as if targeting an intruder. Cats demonstrating protective aggression seem to shield family from an unseen threat. Their keen night vision allows vigilance even when we sleep. Trust your cat senses what remains invisible; their reaction validates a haunting’s energy affects our world.

Continue Reading: 10 Ways Cats Protect You From Ghost And Negative Spirits

For the cat is cryptic,
and close to strange things which men cannot see.

– H. P. Lovecraft, The Cats of Ulthar

All images remain the property of their original owners. All rights reserved.

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Plant Lust::Cephalotus follicularis

one of my 7 Heavenly Lusts

Cephalotus follicularis
West Australian Pitcher Plant

These carnivorous plants are found naturally in a narrow coastal strip around Esperence Bay in western Australia. It’s a Mediterranean-like climate of warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters where they grow in permanently damp areas of peaty sand on the edges of swamps.

Cephalotus follicularis is a small, low growing, herbaceous species. Evergreen leaves appear from underground rhizomes, are simple with an entire leaf blade, and lie close to the ground. The insectivorous leaves are small and have the appearance of moccasins, forming the ‘pitcher’ of the common name. They are slow-growing, evergreen perennials: older leaves and pitchers die off as new ones are formed the following year. Flowers usually appear in summer.

Unique among other pitcher plants, Cephalotus has a bright white collar that overhangs the well of juices. This collar is slippery and baited with nectar. Insects that fall down into the pitcher cannot climb out and are slowly consumed by the plant’s digestive juices.

When exposed to sun, Australian pitcher plants turn a beautiful hue of reds and purples. With less sun, they may grow larger but remain greenish in color. Their lids don’t close to capture prey, but in times of low humidity or dry conditions they may slowly fold downward to cover the mouth. Perhaps this is to discourage the evaporation of its digestive juices.

Toby (10.11.2023)
Meet Toby.

Toby (4.26.2024)
He’s really grown!

Temperature:  Cephalotus does best with moderately warm summers and cool to chilly winters. The plants may die in long periods of very hot weather and they enjoy cool summer nights. Tolerant of brief, light frost down to twenty-two degrees, but may be killed in lower temperatures. Best grown in cool highland greenhouse or terrariums. They can be grown outdoors year-round in extremely coastal Central-Southern California.

Light:  Full to part sun. They can be grown in terrariums under bright fluorescent light. (Which is how I grow Toby.) Remember: The more sun/light, the more color in the pitchers.

Humidity:  Thrives in cool and warm greenhouses, and will do well in partly sunny windows with fairly high humidity. Mist often.

Soil:  One part peat to two parts sand and/or perlite. Plastic containers with adequate drainage holes are best.

Watering:  Cephalotus will not tolerate long periods of being waterlogged; however, do not allow them to dry out. (I water mine sitting in a plastic saucer. I leave it there for an hour or two, then put it back in the greenhouse.)
As with all carnivorous plants, only use rainwater, distilled, or reverse osmosis water.

Feeding:  Small sow/pill bugs, wingless fruit flies, or baby crickets can be fed to your plant. Dried insects also work well. (I buy tiny mealworms to feed to my plants, plus any bugs I happen to catch in the house.) Note: Occasional misting of foliage can be beneficial. (Miracid, Orchid, or Epiphytic fertilizer)

Cephalotus are considered non-toxic to dogs and cats.

more Plant “Spotlights”

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80’s Blast::Metal Church

♫♪ It’s just another Mëtal Monday ♫♪

(anyone who thinks otherwise can go jump in Lake Minnetonka)

Metal Church
“Watch the Children Pray”

From the album The Dark (1986)

The Dark talks of somber themes, such as assassination, death, struggle, rituals, and the supernatural.

Waaay back in the day (1987-1989), I saw Metal Church perform at Niles Station. While on tour, many signed bands would play one of their off nights at a small, local venue. (As long as they were in town…why not?) At the time, I was hugely in love with this song – especially the vocals. I never grow tired of hearing it.

“Watch the Children Pray” was billed as the band’s “power ballad” music video. I guess because it’s got a slow tempo? Personally, I don’t think the record companies (or, for that matter, MTV) had a clue about Heavy Mëtal or its fanbase.

David Wayne – vocals
Craig Wells – lead guitar
Kurt Vanderhoof – rhythm guitar
Duke Erickson – bass
Kirk Arrington – drums

In a darkened graveyard glows a light
I see it shine there every night
I know somewhere there’s a hidden door
There’s an answer here we must explore

No, I’ll not submit to reason
I’ll sit and watch the seasons change

We watch the children pray
Save us God today
Come whatever may

We hold our fate and make the choice
But we’ll not listen to that still small voice
Are we just crazy, out of our minds?
Wish this were someplace, another time

We watch the children pray
Save us God today
Come whatever may

And I know we’re going
So far away from this wretched life we lead
With open arms meet catastrophe
In the valley of the damned we’ll be

[Guitar Solo]

And I know we’re going
So far away from this wretched life we lead
With open arms meet catastrophe
In the valley of the damned we’ll be

We watch the children pray
Save us God today
Come whatever may

And now to life we say goodbye
I know the when but not the why
Our nation’s blood spills on the ground
Our lives go out without a sound

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