June 19, 2021

When I awoke this morning the 3-day heatwave had broken. Although the temperatures were only in the 90s yesterday it was still HOT.

In spite of requests to conserve energy here in CA, I finally had to run the downstairs A/C so I could workout. Did I mention we’d gotten a stationary bike and I am loving it!?! I just wasn’t getting the cardio workout walking around the neighborhood (no hills) and after 20 or 30 decades of Step Aerobix I’d finally gotten tired of THAT routine. This gives me the cardio I want, I can listen to music (Playlists), catch the action in the Wildlife Mötel/Concrete Jungle, and watch TV (NBA). All from the comfort of our living room…

Been using it five times a week, along with my strength training and floor work, and you can see the progress I’ve made since we bought it a month ago:

I’m able to accrue more miles in the same amount of time by “cycling” to faster music. As I noted in the second picture above I actually hit 106rpm at one point, which amounted to around 5mph.

Speaking of which, it’s time I hit the “bike” and watch the NBA playoffs but I’ll leave you with this photo of Ramses and Hayley.

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