Vampyres, Witches, and Queen B’s Oh My::Kim Novak

None of these fascinating women should be called “Scream Queens”. (You won’t find Fay Wray here.) Each captured my imagination in one way or another, even at a young age. Perhaps they only starred in ONE horror movie yet that role would linger in my memory long after I’d seen the film. Some I EQUATED with a particular movie. The one thing they all have in common? They’re all bewitchingly beautiful.

Kim Novak

To say that Kim Novak as Gillian Holroyd in Bell, Book and Candle (1958) was a major Archetypal influence on me growing-up would be an understatement! Gillian dressed really cool and had a cat as her familiar. (‘Natch) She and I also had have the same “quirk”: going barefoot.

Bell, Book and Candle came on the heels of Picnic (1955) (A personal favorite of mine.) and Vertigo (1958) – the film for which she is best remembered.


@ Wikipedia
Bell, Book and Candle
This Blogger found dress patterns similar to the fabulous fashions Ms. Novak wore in the movie! (I wonder if they come in my size…)

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6 responses to “Vampyres, Witches, and Queen B’s Oh My::Kim Novak

  1. Thanks for these, Ive been reading and enjoying all of them!

    I enjoyed this movie immensely, and haven’t seen it in quite awhile so I might search Prime for a Halloween treat. It says it’s free on tubi, and maybe rent or buy on prime. Should’ve heeded your advice and grabbed Tubi, oh still can.

    Kim is the first of the series that had several movies of success. I actually just watched Mirror Cracked (Agatha Christie), and didn’t realize she was the other actress in the movie (not Elizabeth Taylor), and Tony Curtis’s squeeze…ummm errr wife.


    • One of my favorite Christmas movies. Yes, Christmas and Halloween all rolled-up in one glorious film. Hated the ending, though. Even as a young kid I knew something was wrong with “the change” her character went through to get the guy – and lose the cat. That’d NEVER happen on my watch…erm…witch.

