Sometimes it contains an earworm.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

– Albert Einstein

n. stream of consciousness
Stream of consciousness refers to the flow of thoughts in the conscious mind.

In other words, a stream of consciousness is a meandering array of random thoughts. A similar idea occurs in early Buddhist writings, and is sometimes called the mindstream.

I awake, more often than not, with a “mind stream”. (Sometimes it contains an earworm.) Sometimes I write the Stream of Consciousness down in my journal.

Not all of these thoughts translate to Posts. Most do not. However, when looking back through all the entries, these hen scratchings chronicle the ebb and flow of events happening in and around me – and the World.

Stream of consciousness writing is a unique journaling technique that invites you to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and allow your thoughts to flow freely, unfiltered by conventional rules or expectations. Stream of consciousness writing embraces a nonlinear approach. Thoughts, memories, and emotions may arise in a seemingly random order, reflecting the fluidity of the mind’s workings. Stream of consciousness writing often involves making unexpected associations and following tangents. One thought leads to another, memories resurface, and seemingly unrelated ideas intertwine. [source]

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ℳ –

3 responses to “Sometimes it contains an earworm.

  1. Funny while getting a haircut (sort of) the other day, we discussed many things of which I will focus on the yoga, as she was worried about her daughters school teaching yoga and being uncomfortable with some of the chants. I told her I couldn’t comment on the chants, but had just started reading a book on Chakra’s the day before, and being an unorthodox Christian to say the least, didn’t see any problem with meditation and balancing your energies, and I was looking forward to practicing myself. She thought it was interesting and would take a new look at it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The whole thought about Yoga being a portal to the devil stems from an anecdotal story in a blog post I’d recently read. I thought it weird. I don’t do chanting and never have. (What’s up with that?) I “learned” yoga from Steve Ross’ (now defunct) program “Inhale”. You can find them on YouTube. He plays contemporary music during the hour-long segments and is very laid-back. I also read his book “Happy Yoga: 7 Reasons Why There’s Nothing to Worry About” and recommend it. It’s an easy read, too. Personally, I perform yoga purely for physical reasons, but his book discusses how to “shift your awareness to bring the spirit of yoga into each movement, each meal, each relationship, each thought, and each breath.” I may have to pull it down and give it a re-read myself. LOL. Ross is a cool dude.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s what I thought when she mentioned chanting, as I’d always seen people doing it in silence. I ran a search and it appears it is a thing in the Hindu religion says the beginners guide to common yoga chants, and she did mention Hindu regarding it in the school. Then there’s this one and it seems it is more related to the Hindu religion, which seems odd to teach in school, but I hear they teach the Muslim religion, and satanism too, just not christianity.

        Best Yoga Mantras & Chants Their Meaning for Meditation & Singing

        I didn’t think yoga itself was a religion so to speak, and thank you for the information I’ll check it out as I go. Music at the different MHZ levels could be interesting, and incense would be nice too.

        Liked by 1 person
