Seeking Truth within and without

Know the difference between good and evil,
truth and falsehood, both within your psyche
and around you in the world.

– Tom Montalk

Last week I pulled the Queen of Knives (Swords).

The Queen of Knives (Swords) is a Truth Seeker. She may point to a spiritual awakening…or a secret that will soon be unveiled.

Little Red Tarot says:
This is a person who is committed to ‘doing the work’. This person knows that in order to live authentically, truthfully, they must do inner work. The Queen of Swords is fully, consciously accountable to herself and to the world, yet always aware that there is more to unravel, more to learn.

If one is going to play the role of Truth Seeker, one must seek The Truth within themselves. In other words: To Thine Own Self Be True. Easier said then done sometimes, but it’s something to which I strive.

There is much to love about this World, and much with which to be concerned. Particularly the Evil That Men Do – and are doing. It’s probably natural to want to share what one has discovered with others, but at the same time I ask myself, “Is this who I am? Who I want to be?” – and it certainly doesn’t help matters when one’s website covers a plethora of subjects. Shapeshifter.

Lately I’ve felt my time and energy being wasted on topics that I shouldn’t be wasting my time on. (Does that make sense?) Then I had a revelation that came in the form of a dream.

I was going to see my hairstylist, but found myself driving on paths previously unknown to me. Was I lost? Can’t be, I’ve driven there dozens of times. The road went through a quaint downtown area, out into more rural territory, then meandered swiftly into a muddy, one-lane road leading downwards. Towards? This wasn’t right. I abruptly stopped the car. I did not want to continue. I needed to turn around (somehow) and get back on course. Then I woke up.

It was clear. I had my answer. I knew it all along, of course, but my mind got in the way. Remember, Knives (Swords) are associated with mental activity, rational thinking, and decision making. The Queen of Knives cut through the clutter and shone a light on The Truth. The Truth of the matter: What the feck do I really know anyway about things that are not of my little existence? I can only make conjectures or voice my opinions on such things. There are thousands of people doing just that and doing a much better job of it.

‘Kayso, I promise to continue ranting, raving, and musing about topics on an individual basis. When the mood strikes, from my own perspective and using my own words. I’ll leave the investigative sleuthing in your hands, Dear Reader.

Furthermore, I solemnly promise
never to use an AI-generated image like this again.

ℳ –

2 responses to “Seeking Truth within and without

  1. You sure that’s an AI Gen? The resolution is low but it looks like it could be a photoshop.

    Like anything else, AI is a tool. The people using it in lieu of talent are just taking shortcuts, but you can do awesome stuff with it. I like to feed my sketches to it and warp the shit out of the parameters, then take the output back to Photoshop and shape them.

    It’s like another one of my favorite things to do, which is to use the “wrong” studio FX in music production. For example, I fucking love taking my drums and running them through guitar FX pedals, which results in delightfully filthy drums.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love the art you produce using those types of tools. You have talent. However, if I employed AI I would be just another person taking shortcuts – lazy – and I don’t want to become that type of creature.

